Development plans
As explained in our beta launch announcement, the Scottish Statistics site is currently in a test phase, where we are seeking feedback, while continuing to check and improve the quality of the data and enhancing the user interface and data access features.
During June, we plan to have regular releases of the software, introducing improvements and new features. The development plan for the coming few weeks includes:
- add 2001 intermediate zones and data zones to hierarchy on geography resource pages
- enable selection of geographical areas by text search and by postcode
- allow download of full data-cube datasets in CSV format
- review user interface text for clarity of wording
- improve presentation of area reports on geography pages
- improve presentation of data grid on dataset and SPARQL result pages
- improve data publishing process, including validation and aggregation of uploaded data
Scottish Statistics makes use of Swirrl's PublishMyData product and new features and improvements will be deployed as they become available. Coming soon: a 'data shopping cart' feature allowing you to select data from various datasets and combine them into a table for download.