
statistics.gov.scot provides public access to the data behind our official statistics in linked open data format. We’ll continue to work with our providers to increase the amount of data on the site as well as improve the tools to access this content. This service will evolve through ongoing user feedback and analysis, and we want your feedback to help us do this.

This site is managed by The Scottish Government on behalf of all producers of official statistics in Scotland. It provides statistics from a variety of organisations such as The Scottish Government, National Records of Scotland, NHS Information Services Division and Transport Scotland.



statistics.gov.scot will continue to enhance features and develop new tools that make it easier for you to use the data. We want your feedback on how we can improve things. We’re also keen you hear what you like about our site and how you’re using the data.

You can email us or leave a comment on our blog. Or even tweet us @ScotStat